3 months
Time has flown by, Isaac flies by his developmental milestones. This month we had a 2 week visit from Grandma! Isaac learned to click his tongue. He began to smile and laugh. He is sleeping well, co-sleeping has worked out really well for all of us. Because we are all sleeping at night. Due to Isaac's reflux (Zantac is a miracle drug!), he has become very spitty after nursing, although he doesn't seem to do it at night, it still calms my nerves with him in bed with me just incase. Especially since he is a stomach sleeper.
We are also officially 100% using cloth diapers, his rash has completely gone away. And not only are we saving money we are saving the environment as well. We are still using disposable wipes, but I do have a recipe for reusable ones that once all the wipes are gone we plan to start using.
Isaac continues to enjoy swim class, and he is getting more comfortable with floating on his back. I have switched to sitting in the tub with Isaac (with underwear on just in case, hehe), he LOVES this. Working with Isaac in the tub has caused him to excel when he is in the pool. We also have gone to the rec center for $5.50 to take Daddy swimming. Michael was very impressed with how happy Isaac is in the water. But also a bit timid to do the "swimming" positions with him, we'll wait till the summer for more practice.
4 months
Isaac continues to smile and laugh, he now loves to test his lungs and squeal, and sometimes scream (so when we are driving it is hard to tell if he is upset or just having fun). Isaac has also started to babble to himself a lot more, especially in the car, so I've started to leave the radio off so I can enjoy these sweet moments).
He wants to sit up assisted all the time now, and loves to stand. He still loves tummy time and doesn't roll over as much anymore but he does love doing "superman". We bought him a used exersaucer for $25, and only place him in there for about 10 minutes till his neck gets stronger but he sits well and loves the light up/singing toys since he's never had that experience before.
From 3.5months on he has started to drool more and chewing on things for teething, lately (he's now 4.5 months as I write this update) he chews on his fingers all the time. And he has started to do the "raspberries" with his lips/blow bubbles alllll the time, and I mean all the time. He is so amused by this new trick he can do that he even can manage chewing on his fingers while doing it.
This week we started solid foods. The pediatrician said we could start with rice cereal, but I started with carrots, first I steamed my own. I was already to do BLW (Babyled weaning) but when he put the soft carrot in his mouth to bite down, I got very nervous. And then I moved onto putting it into the garlic press since I don't have a potato ricer yet. Mixed with some breastmilk and Isaac enjoyed his intro to foods. Then yesterday I gave him pureed carrots from Gerber- since fresh carrots and a few other veggies aren't safe under 7months due to nitrates causing anemia. Isaac LOVED them! He even would cry between scoops to get more, a-dor-a-ble! I did have a mommy dilemma since I was so set on waiting till he was 6 months old, but Isaac is very interested in what I'm eating, and loves to mouth and play with my water bottle. That I just gave in. I did choke and did tons of research the night I started, and have talked to every mommy friend I know about their take on starting solids...but alas we continued with them. And I'm not feeling guilty at all. I'm glad we aren't doing BLW right now, possibly in a couple of months I'll be ready...what I'm really looking forward to is letting him play and experience food. So bring on the mess! And he really isn't eating all that much of the puree, maybe like a table spoon. I did give him a small amount of oatmeal cereal with breastmilk...he seemed confused about getting his breastmilk by spoon, quite a cute face he made.
Last week we did visit my parents in Texas, but I plan on another post for that update, but we did have a great visit, and the flight wasn't too bad there on the way home, was not fun at all. And Isaac develomptally and physically has blossomed just in the 10 days we were gone!
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