My little Peanut, you are growing, growing, growing.
We switched to Baby Led Weaning (BLW) this month, purees can stay once in awhile. But 95% of the time we only introduce solids to you by handing you the actual stalk (hand size) of broccoli, sweet potato fry, and so on...For the first week it felt like you were only going to gag for forever. But we are now on week 2 and you have picked up chewing really well already. The first couple of days with this method were very stressful. Gagging is very stressful, but by doing so you have learned to move foods forward, and out of your mouth (especially when you take too big of a bite). This is how you've also learned to chew. I finally bought the BLW book and I feel so much more confident in this method. I'm trusting your ability to figure this out for yourself. Tonight we gave you angel hair pasta with sauce, you did so well with it, mainly you just sucked the sauce off of it! The 2 most important reasons why I made the switch were your gag reflex will eventually move further back down your throat and it's most important for you to learn now how to chew and swallow. Second and most important reason is, I want you to learn how much you need and decide what to eat, since I plan on allowing you to decide when to wean from breastfeeding.
Before having You, I thought some women were prolonging their BF experience for their own emotions, but now being on the other side, I now know that is not the case (most likely). I know you will be so very active and want to run around and we will bond in other ways, with snuggling before bed, me singing songs and reading books, hugs...lots of them. The most important thing is that I want you to feel confident and safe. But my goal is to nurse you until at least 2 years old (WHO recommendation). You will still be a baby till 2, and at the rate we are going at right now (10-12x/day), I don't see you stopping at 1 years old. I can't believe that is in 5 months!
Developmentally you are challenging yourself daily. You continue to sit well, you mostly fall forward recently since you now want to reach for everything. What I thought was once out of your reach is now right at it. Especially since you have learned how to climb. You reach for Mama or Dada, and you climb into our laps, then want to stand, of sit in our lap. You have also slowly started to pull yourself up, when either in our laps, or on the exersaucer, or by grabbing Sydney (she doesn't even flinch when you yank her fur like this, she was a good investment). We are still working on our crawling skills, but now that you know you can get around with climbing easier, this is all you want to do. Which is fine by me, I'm not ready for a mobile baby just yet.
Two days ago you said "Dada" out of the blue, and now continue to say it quite frequently throughout the day. When you feel like you've forgotten how to say it, you'll first mouth it then switch to sound (my brilliant baby)! Two weeks ago you start with saying "Up," but now that you are saying "Dada," Dada feels like that is your true first word! To me it doesn't matter, it has just been so rewarding to see how proud you are of yourself when you say a word or pull yourself up!
Your relationship with our "Gi" or doggie (Sydney) has really blossomed. She of course still sneaks kisses all over you. She knows when you are about to spit up and comes running from anywhere she's been. She has learned to be a loyal companion at dinner time, waiting for any droppings from your high chair. If you're upset she knows to come find me, tell me, and runs to you. She greets us when you wake up, and you have the biggest smile anytime she comes bursting in the room, or she needs cuddle time while we are playing. Like I mentioned before she allows you to pull on her, grab her paws and mouth her. I wouldn't trade having a dog with a baby any day, it is so so so worth it!
You still have my beautiful blue eyes, and in the sunshine your hair is turning blond, and your Dada thought he'd have his dominant dark features. Maybe one day, but for now I hope you become a toe head with ringlets just like your Mama, Uncle Neal, Grandma and Pop.
You are more invested in your books, we read to you often, and instrumental music really helps you calm down to sleep. I love playing "Peter, Paul and Mary Childrens" station on Pandora, and have found one of my favorite children's folk artists: Elizabeth Mitchell from there. This is the kind of music I remember growing up and it helps me feel connected to my childhood by having us listen to this, and sing. You have started to sing once in awhile. Maybe you'll follow into your parents musical shoes when you are older.
Recently you have been teething more, the amber necklace and Hyland's tablets have been helping, I really try not to give you too much medication. For the past week you have been on a pacifier strike, which = you nursing all the time. I'm enjoying the extra snuggles.
And now it is time for bed.