Monday, September 12, 2011

In Search of a Wine Rack

Mr. B and I have been in search of the perfect wine rack. We would like it to be artsy, but we really enjoy having a good stock in house, so we may have to go ahead with a larger one. 

A few posts back I was debating buying a red cabinet for our kitchen, we did. And it fits perfectly, we are planning on adding 2 shelves above and thought maybe we could host an artsy rack there, and a more utility one in our dining room.

The basic key is that you want to have your wine bottles laying is some way so that the cork doesn't get dry, this affect gives you that "corked" taste to the wine. So by laying them on their sides, slanted or even upside down, is ideal for long periods of time.

I came along these today:

From Umbra is the Cru wine rack

CB2 by Crate and Barrel has contemporary basic wine racks or compared to this gem, very eclectic ones

Dining Rooms Direct I would love this one if it were horizontal between my cabinet and shelves in the kitchen 

Wine Store Solutions I'm not saying I like this for me, but I do like the play on shapes that is going on in this post. 

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