Thursday, June 13, 2013

6 Months

Dear Isaac,

I can't stop loving you! As you grow my love expands in ways I never knew how. Such as how tonight you cried while asleep and as I tried to comfort you, I just knew you needed me. So I swooped in and picked you up. You went straight for my shoulder and said "Mama." I know you had no clue what you were trying to say, or mean. But it meant the world to me and completely had me fall in love with you all over again. And now I am looking forward to the day you look at me and call me by my name.

Developmentally you are challenging yourself each and everyday. I try not to interfere when you get frustrated, so you can learn and grow into your new skills. But if you reach that certain pitch or real tears form, I then pick you up and cuddle you and encourage by telling you, "you are doing so well, next time you will try a little longer" or "great job buddy you'll get it soon enough." I don't care if you can't understand- you are hearing a positive emotion to something you are struggling with, and with that you know Mama is there for support.

You have sadly aged out of 'free' swim class- it was such a lovely time for us to bond together, but to also meet other SAHM's. Grandma also got to see you at Swimkids for your last 2 classes. As I mentioned previously, they had us practice "cup pours" all of the time- I would say 1-2-3 lift then pour water on your face- you cried the first couple of classes, then became used to it- and even though I hated that most of class was built around this exercise. It eventually paid off, because at the end of 4 months of classes on the count of 3- you close your eyes!!!!! Mama was so very impressed with you! This is my #1 brag lately. Also it has help so much when showering with you- I just count to three and you close your sweet little eyes so Mama can wash your hair.

he's 27inches, 18#13oz

You are sitting up very well these days, still I place a pillow behind just in case, I don't like hearing thuds.

We have started to practice with a sippy cup so that you can get water in this hot summer. I think you enjoy chewing on it more than actual drinking. But we are starting slow.

Only about 2x a week you get teething pain if that- you love to chew on your thumb or the ribbon blanket I made you (or any other cloth blanket/toy). I can only feel both of your eye teeth coming in, and those are the most painful- I'm wondering if I'll have a little vampire- and with that I'm so scared of nursing with teeth- hopefully it's an easy transition.

You LOVE nectarines! Pears and peaches as well- I eat away the skin and you love to suck and gum at the pulp. We went to the outdoor pool with Brynn and Benjamin for the first time this week- burr the water was cold! You were decked out in a long sleeve top as well and still fussed, but I wasn't sure if it was due to you being sleepy or cold. Because you actually fell asleep while we were in the pool! It was super cute. Afterwards I went to nurse you and realized I had a nectarine. Well friend, you thought it was for dessert! You lean towards it with those puppy eyes, and no Mama can deny you of food after that face. You gobbled it up in a jiffy with my help, and we both landed with nectarine all over our hands, faces and chest. But being in our swim suits still (you were just in a swim diaper) we got to take a quick shower. Best idea ever to give you solids while at the pool = easy clean up. You also did a first by holding the nectarine with both hands and self fed!

While on your tummy you tend to get most frustrated, because you want to reach for everything, once in a while you'll attempt at schootching your way a few inches at a time. You haven't rolled over from your back to front by yourself yet- and haven't seemed too interested lately.

People now comment that you are starting to look more like me. I think it's due to you still having your blue eyes. Which I'm so excited about- that you visibly have something from Mama.

We moved your crib last month at the end of our bed- I place you in your crib when I put you down for the night and recently you've started to sleep till 1:30am 4-5 hours. We are slowly but surely going to get you there- but Mama still enjoys her sleep so if you end up in bed with me for most of the night, it's no biggy. Daddy says as long as we all get sleep he is happy.


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