Tuesday, September 24, 2013

9 Months

Ahh...I can't keep up! Isaac you are one busy bee! 

Isaac you still have your precious blue eyes! And you're hair is thickening and curly (at night as you fall asleep I love to stroke your hair through my fingers..one of the many things I know won't last as you become a toddler). I love your curly hair! 

At your Doctor appointment you weighed in at 21lbs 13oz, height: 30inches

You have started to sign "dog", and can now say "doggie!" You say "na na" when you want to nurse, and when you are desperate you say "ma ma na na"... You say "ba ba" for ball. You are now signing "fan." You are still shy with who you wave to, but you did wave to the sushi chefs at Kumo! You love sweet potato rolls from Kumo. It is a lot of fun to watch you eat a veggie roll!

I never get to cuddle except for nursing, all you want to do is crawl EVERY WHERE! Since you've started to crawl I've lost 3 lbs! Since you rarely sit in our laps to read a story (only before bed lately), as you are playing I sit and read your books while you are busy. I also have bought an "as you grow" weekly activity book, so far I am very pleased. 

Last month we thought we wanted to crib train you, we tried for 2 nights, where (I ended up doing it alone) and you consistently woke up and was impossible for me, Daddy didn't want to wake up and realized the work I was doing and together we decided that we really are happy that all of us are getting sleep by bed sharing. We are happy to bed share and will continue to do so. Especially for breastfeeding, we still nurse throughout the night "dream feeding," both of us, and luckily I still haven't gotten "Aunt Flow," and that is due to nursing through the night and day.

Most recently you are starting to stand by yourself (not holding onto anything) for a few seconds, and every time you do, Daddy calls me into the room to see! You also love to walk with your "walker," you also are starting to learn how to turn it so you don't run into furniture!

Today Daddy put up gates so now we can safely have you in the dinning room (play room), while we cook, clean, or just relax and play with you without you escaping! I'm looking forward to adding new furniture too! 

Today we went shopping to the outlets, and I now fit into size 6 jeans! I haven't been that size in 6 years! Breastfeeding is amazing!! I have only been able to walk due to some postpartum issues. I also have been eating fats/sugars like crazy, I hear it's due to exhaustion. So the whole loosing weight despite not having the best diet is awesome! Now I'm motivated to cut out the fats/sugars and sustain a healthier diet so that I can tone up. A couple of my Mama friends want to switch shifts watching the babes so that we can get our work outs in!


Mmm toes taste so good! 

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