Wednesday, February 20, 2013

On the Other Side

I started babysitting at the age of 10. I even took a course through our local hospital...I always loved being around babies, kids, and their mothers. I had always dreamed of being a mother one day. So it just fit for me to become a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). It has been such a rewarding job. I especially love getting to counsel NICU moms, by helping them put their sick or preemie baby to the breast. Or by helping them through their struggles, just by giving them kind words of encouragement, and giving them the support they need emotionally. 

I've gotten 16 weeks of unpaid maternity leave. I go back to work at the end of March, and luckily Michael will watch him while I work. At first when we were struggling with Isaac's tongue tie, with exclusive bottle feeds, him upset at the breast, using a nipple shield, and then his acid reflux, but at 6 weeks when he got on Zantac, he instantly started to breastfeed. Before 6 weeks, it was extremely painful for me, I felt like a failure- that I couldn't get Isaac to breastfeed...I knew it wasn't my fault, that he was born that way. But I had feelings that he didn't like being at the breast, for me it wasn't just nourishment, but I couldn't give him comfort by him being at my breasts either, or mother him there. I would break down in tears (and I am now thinking back on these memories), in pain that he didn't like me in this way, and I wondered if he'd ever get to the breast. I would give Isaac the bottle of breastmilk to fill his nourishing needs, then would attempt at the breast with a nipple shield. Most times he would cry, I did think this was due to my let down not being fast enough for him, and that the bottle was "easier than the breast." The hardest thing was I only had the strength or energy to attempt him at the breast 1x per day if that.

Around 6 weeks old, one weekend, it all clicked, that he was crying in pain after the bottle feeds when I attempted him at the breast. He had had light symptoms of reflux in the past couple of weeks- but they were never severe enough to mention to the doctor, I just figured it was him adjusting to his gastric system maturing. This is when all his symptoms became severe, and one night I had to call the after hours line to get him dosage for tylenol, Isaac was in that much pain. Luckily we were seeing his Doc the next morning. I am not usually one to want to give medicine, but in this case I knew Isaac needed Zantac, and the Doc agreed with me. That evening we were seeing Dr. Reilly for an update on his Frenectomy (his frenulum clipping to correct his posterior tongue tie). He seemed disappointed/sad for me that Isaac wasn't able to breastfeed right after the correction procedure. I told him though that the procedure helped with Isaac better taking the bottle. I did mention that it seemed due to the underlying reflux that we had just gotten diagnosed. And happily Isaac started to breastfeed, he got a few bottles in the beginning, but by two weeks later I had trained him off the nipple shield, and we were exclusively breastfeeding. 

When I was in the midst of these struggles, I remember telling Michael in tears or breaking down that there was no way I was capable of going back to work and helping mothers breastfeed, I feared it. But now that we are on the other side, I can't wait to go back. I feel like it is now my mission to do this service and help mom's when they are most vulnerable to not only get their babies to the breast, or help them give formula when it is medically needed, but just to nurture them through this "new mom proccess." I plan on eventually getting to do out patient follow up, since this is what I really needed. 

In the near future I want to become a Postpartum Anxiety/ depression counselor, and certified in infant massage. I feel my hospital could really benefit our patients by supporting them after they've gone home not only with lactation and learning to bond with their babies, but by leading a support group for PPD as well. I have no clue how to become a counselor in this field, but I'm beginning to research and ask my colleagues. 

But truly what a beautiful gift breastfeeding is, once it is established. I always loved watching a mom nurse her newborn, it is truly a beautiful thing to watch. And now I get to interact with Isaac as he nurses for his nutrients, but I really love now getting to comfort him at the breast and letting him pacify. This is another blessing all on it's own. I am so thankful to my baby for sticking with me through his pain, and rarely ever breastfeeding to now exclusively breastfeeding. I am in awe of my amazing baby.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Covered in Kisses

Happy Valentines day, I'm 10 weeks old!

Dear Baby boy,

I am so in love with you!

This week you found your hand to suck on and self soothe. Grandma is visiting us for 2 weeks. Monday morning Grandmom and I were talking to you in our bedroom and as we started to have our own conversation Grandma noticed you making a different noise than were clucking your tongue! Once we praised you, you became so proud of yourself! After a few clucks, you lost how you had managed to organize your tongue, but we keep practicing, (later that evening Daddy was trying to get you to cluck, but instead you farted hehe). 

You are still doing wonders with your development at swim class. Grandma was so excited to be able to watch you in the water! She also constantly tells me of what a wonderful job I am in letting you explore you environments and in teaching you. This week the water was colder, and you particularly did not like floating on your back, Mommy has patience and will slowly acclimate you to this position, the most important this is that you are having fun.

We've been working on your ability to grasp items, I hold the link of rings above you as you lay on your back, and dangle them until you hit them enough to stop them. And eventually you are able to grasp on to them!

I have also laid down the wardrobe mirror we have, so that you can admire yourself in it! But most importantly you are learning about movement, and watching yourself. I can't tell if you know that baby is you in the mirror or not. But you especially like when you are naked and looking in the mirror. 

Today was your 2 month check up at the Pediatrician's office. You have started to consistently throw up after meals, but Dr. Bill reassured me that it is "Delayed gastric emptying." And this, plus the reflux baby's tend to grow out of. Especially once solids are started, they help hold down the bolus of milk. Dr. Bill was proud to hear that you started breastfeeding as soon as we got you on the Zantac medication. Mommy really appreciates him, since he was very empathetic to our feeding struggles in the beginning, since his wife had the same experience. You got 2 shots, which was hard to watch, putting you on the breast did not help (next time I'm bringing a bottle of breast milk to help soothe you, this helped the first time you had a shot). You have slept most of the day, but this afternoon and night I've had to give you tylenol to calm you down. It hurts to see you in pain. 

Leaving on a better note, I'm looking forward to your second infant massage class tomorrow!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

We Found Love

Isaac loves Rihanna!

YouTube Video

The other morning I was singing to Isaac with help of my iTunes playlist. After the soothing music ran through, then came on "We found love" by Rihanna, the video sums it up.

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Saturday, February 2, 2013


I felt that Michael and I hadn't been taking enough pictures of us in them, so last night I had a few taken of just me and Isaac.

 He loves to drool 

Sharon my dear coworker made these booties for Isaac, with a matching hat, but the his head grew so fast that unfortunately the hat is too small now.

Monday morning all I wanted to accomplish was to getting Isaac to smile more often


January is for Growing

Isaac now weighs 12 lbs, 7 oz more he has doubled his birth weight in 2 months! He is now 24 inches long, growing 4 inches since birth, and his head circumference is 16 inches. I downloaded a free apple "app" for growth charts and his percentiles on 2/2/13 are: weight: 60%, height: 85% , head circ: 90%.

Here are pictures through out your second month (almost taken everyday). I usually try to send my Mom 1 picture a day, since my parents don't get to see Isaac often. But we are very excited that Grandma is visiting for 2 weeks in February!

The choo choo PJ's are my favorite outfit thus far

Daddy fixed a mohawk

The fastest way for me to transition to pumping after breast or bottle feeding you is to place you between my legs, and he ended up grabbing the tube to my pump part

Daddy sleeps with us during the weekends, and one morning after burping you, you instantly fell asleep on his chest

Milk drunk

 Isaac and his buddy J.R. at their first mom's group. When Isaac first saw J.R. he was surprised to see other baby's existed! Since then I look forward to getting Isaac to play group, and swim class so he can interact with other babies.

 Michael loves wearing Isaac's cow blanket

 Our first walk with Sydney, of course it was at night in 35 degrees, but it was perfect I got to wear the Peekaru fleece vest. It was super cozy.

 One Saturday morning Daddy wore Isaac and played video games so I could sleep in

 Lately it's been below 30 degrees, under Isaac's PJ's we put a onsie, and definatly can't go without the socks as mittens

2 Months old!

Happy 2 Months old my sweet boy!

He does have the best two Uncle's: Neal and Elliot!

In this sequence of photos I had to keep propping Isaac up due    to him constantly rolling over!

This is my favorite pose he does:

Dear Isaac:

You have me tied around your finger. For how exhausting some nights or days can be, I always do look forward to the morning wondering what exciting new things we'll accomplish.

-You have started to point ypur finger while buzzing your arms around, and you've gotten more control of those flying arms
-You are able to identify your favorite toys
-You are able to be in your swing for much longer- even falling asleep in it (this really helps me be able to eat lunch)
-You found me by looking in our stand up mirror while laying in your bassinet
-You have found interest in focusing more, for example the other night you were focusing on the design pattern of my socks, I stripped them off and you were very interested in observing my moving toes and decided you wanted to touch them and learn
-When we sit at the couch and have you laying on out propped up legs you love to stare at Gigi's water color painting's
-And best of all you have started to laugh while smiling

One morning while you were sleeping you woke up and lifted your head back and had this ear to ear grin. It sadly did not last long because you immediately fell back to sleep, I look forward to every morning since then in hopes you'll have that same happy face staring back at me.