Saturday, February 2, 2013

2 Months old!

Happy 2 Months old my sweet boy!

He does have the best two Uncle's: Neal and Elliot!

In this sequence of photos I had to keep propping Isaac up due    to him constantly rolling over!

This is my favorite pose he does:

Dear Isaac:

You have me tied around your finger. For how exhausting some nights or days can be, I always do look forward to the morning wondering what exciting new things we'll accomplish.

-You have started to point ypur finger while buzzing your arms around, and you've gotten more control of those flying arms
-You are able to identify your favorite toys
-You are able to be in your swing for much longer- even falling asleep in it (this really helps me be able to eat lunch)
-You found me by looking in our stand up mirror while laying in your bassinet
-You have found interest in focusing more, for example the other night you were focusing on the design pattern of my socks, I stripped them off and you were very interested in observing my moving toes and decided you wanted to touch them and learn
-When we sit at the couch and have you laying on out propped up legs you love to stare at Gigi's water color painting's
-And best of all you have started to laugh while smiling

One morning while you were sleeping you woke up and lifted your head back and had this ear to ear grin. It sadly did not last long because you immediately fell back to sleep, I look forward to every morning since then in hopes you'll have that same happy face staring back at me.

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