Thursday, February 14, 2013

Covered in Kisses

Happy Valentines day, I'm 10 weeks old!

Dear Baby boy,

I am so in love with you!

This week you found your hand to suck on and self soothe. Grandma is visiting us for 2 weeks. Monday morning Grandmom and I were talking to you in our bedroom and as we started to have our own conversation Grandma noticed you making a different noise than were clucking your tongue! Once we praised you, you became so proud of yourself! After a few clucks, you lost how you had managed to organize your tongue, but we keep practicing, (later that evening Daddy was trying to get you to cluck, but instead you farted hehe). 

You are still doing wonders with your development at swim class. Grandma was so excited to be able to watch you in the water! She also constantly tells me of what a wonderful job I am in letting you explore you environments and in teaching you. This week the water was colder, and you particularly did not like floating on your back, Mommy has patience and will slowly acclimate you to this position, the most important this is that you are having fun.

We've been working on your ability to grasp items, I hold the link of rings above you as you lay on your back, and dangle them until you hit them enough to stop them. And eventually you are able to grasp on to them!

I have also laid down the wardrobe mirror we have, so that you can admire yourself in it! But most importantly you are learning about movement, and watching yourself. I can't tell if you know that baby is you in the mirror or not. But you especially like when you are naked and looking in the mirror. 

Today was your 2 month check up at the Pediatrician's office. You have started to consistently throw up after meals, but Dr. Bill reassured me that it is "Delayed gastric emptying." And this, plus the reflux baby's tend to grow out of. Especially once solids are started, they help hold down the bolus of milk. Dr. Bill was proud to hear that you started breastfeeding as soon as we got you on the Zantac medication. Mommy really appreciates him, since he was very empathetic to our feeding struggles in the beginning, since his wife had the same experience. You got 2 shots, which was hard to watch, putting you on the breast did not help (next time I'm bringing a bottle of breast milk to help soothe you, this helped the first time you had a shot). You have slept most of the day, but this afternoon and night I've had to give you tylenol to calm you down. It hurts to see you in pain. 

Leaving on a better note, I'm looking forward to your second infant massage class tomorrow!

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