Thursday, December 13, 2012

Pregnancy Hiccup

//Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
    don’t try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
    he’s the one who will keep you on track.
Don’t assume that you know it all//
proverbs 3:5-6

Thursday 11/29/12
It all began. I went in for an AFI and NST tests to measure amniotic fluid and baby's heart rate as well as a regular weekly midwife appointment. At the end of the 5 minute visit- due to no new questions for her, she checked Isaac's heart rate and it was around 100 bpm. She quickly hooked me to the NST monitor for 30 minutes and within 20 minutes she grabbed Margie another Midwife to read the monitor. They exclaimed "not to worry, but to be routine let's have you go to the "Birthing Inn" (labor and delivery) to be better monitored. I immediatly called Michael to come, and bring some entertainment due to being monitored for 2 hours. 
at 1 hours the RN Mary- who was not the peachiest, kept saying it didn't look good- well then damnit get the midwife!

I was calm until the RN put me on oxygen and said lets see if this will help. To be honest I was scared for my baby, and me. The midwife on call was Courtney and she finally came to explain that they thought the baby's heartrate was dropping down too often. What was discussed was possible emergency C/S or to begin induction. In days prior I'd exclaim "yes we are ready to have this baby.." but in this very moment when it's not up to you...I was not ready. 
Luckily Courtney had had 3 c/s and was able to calm my nerves and really helped me understand the next step. 

We try to plan through our pregnancy a birth we would like...I wanted to attempt natural childbirth...Due to growing up, knowing pain during birth was normal, and something not to fear. 

In this instance, it wasn't about me, it was about Isaac being safe and healthy, he was already term at 38 weeks. Still it was scary, Michael was amazing and at calming me down. 

They did a sonogram later in the evening, and he passed, measuring his tone, heart rate, placenta cord flow, amniotic fluid. They still continued to monitor over night, but the next day we were discharged to go home, and could continue to lead a normal life until baby was ready to come on his own.

I'm thankful for the wonderful care team that asked for assistance when looking at the heart rate monitor- a team of 4 Doctor's plus my midwife decided that it wasn't his heart rate that was dropping but the "drops" were actually his baseline. 

And I am thankful for this hiccup because it prepared me that birth isn't perfect, and can't always be planned. It's the unknown, it's up to the baby. But what we can do is educate ourselves in all different kinds of birthing, not just the one we would love to do.

Friday, November 16, 2012


My mom wrapped the letters in yarn, and the quilt was made by Aunt Mary- who without knowing it matched the colors perfectly!

There is no true theme, just colors/ patterns...and we got a lot of elephant toys, clothes, quilt...which is fine because they are one of my favorite animals.

We have so much closet space we debated getting the dresser, but now after 2 showers, we needed the extra drawers. Plus it aids as our changing table.

Last 2 things we need still: a book solution, and a diaper trash can

Otherwise we are all set! And now we are sleeping a lot- in bed by 9, enjoying the peace and quiet.

Dear Isaac:
I'm ready for your arrival though, I feel these next couple of weeks will go by fast thanks to Thanksgiving, and my Mom arriving December 5th. We are very lucky my Dad is sharing her with us for a month!

Today is 36 weeks and 6 days. Within the last two weeks when you would kick we could feel the outline of your foot.
-on Monday you weighed 6lbs, Thursday we saw your fuzzy head of hair, and got to see your chubby cheeks
-the past two months you've been head down and facing posterior, Thursday though you were facing anterior, we'll have to work on enticing you to look back over his left shoulder
-I'm so in love with you and I love being pregnant, even though soon I'll have to share you with others, I believe I'll love being a mommy much more.

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Thursday, October 11, 2012


Today I finished baby B's blanket that I've been working on since prior to getting pregnant!

Earlier this evening I appliquéd plain burp cloths with fabric I bought intended for this.

Next on my list is a sweater, and the drapes for his room.
My Mom is visiting starting Monday for ten days, so I especially plan to use her knowledge with the sewing machine. But more I'm planning on soaking up bonding time with her. This morning I became aware of how their move feels ( since I know they'll be back in 3 years), that they have gone away to college. Except for since baby B is coming they will be visiting more than a real student.

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

30 weeks

Sunday we took a long walk with our dog, mr. B also needs to learn to slow down, I'm only going to get heavier!

Baby update:
-10 more weeks until I get to meet my little boy
-as I lay in bed watching Netflix, he has become so strong now when kicking me, that yesterday you shook me and the bed
- you are moving all the time, so if you ever slow down it will be easy to tell.
- you are usually up around 11 pm and 3 am, and I know because that's when I usually wake up to pee/hydrate/ eat
-I've fortunately haven't had a UTI this entire pregnancy
- lately though I need to take 2 Zantac/ day, acid reflux is no fun especially pregnant

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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Football Season

My husband is an avid Redskins fan, that leaves me today to be lazy in bed, go shopping and then choir practice.

Every once in awhile you have to check out the rugs at Home Goods, because today I got lucky. The first one I found we both loved (thanks to text messaging).

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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Botanical Gardens

Saturday night we went to Light Catcher Winery for dinner. I allow usually allow myself 1 oz of wine once in awhile. I thoroughly enjoyed their viognier.

Dad and I at the gardens

Afterwards we went to the outlets and hit a good sale at Carter's and Osh Gosh B'Gosh for little B. (I haven't bought much for him, knowing people love to buy infant cloths. Plus there are inexpensive cloths at TJ Maxx).

We had dinner at Woodshed. Most delicious smoked pork ribs, 3 kale salad, and blackberry pie. The owner will soon be in iron chef!
There was live blue grass playing, and the restaurant is outside next to the Trinity River. Right off the bike trail.

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The Central Market Experience

Second day visiting the 'rents, we first walked Foster around their apartment complex (and already had to take my wedding band off due to swelling). After we went to breakfast at:

Shared an omelet and multigrain waffles.

Then we needed to hit the market for some protein snacks for me.
And man oh man this place is Whole Foods on crack!

I've never seen wheat grass in a market before

Who would have thought, wineries are popular in TX too.

A whole bar of pickles, I died and went to heaven

I was pretty swollen all day, I guess I can't complain when I get back home about the heat!

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Location:Fort Worth, TX

Friday, August 31, 2012

6 months and counting

Mr. B has many talents but photography is definatly a useful one! We returned to the garden where we had our engagement pictures taken. I can't wait to take baby B here next spring.

My sweet little man in 3D

Pregnancy update:
-Baby you are moving at specific times now, usually after meals, and between 10:30-11:30.
-sleeping is becoming more and more uncomfortable, usually I end up in the guest bed with 4-5 pillows, it will be a long time before I can sleep on my stomach again.
-I've had my fair share of ice cream and hot dogs
-I'm seeing a chiropractor for back an tail bone pain, but soon to switch to PT.
-I'm visiting your grandparents over labor day weekend, hopefully hurricane Isaac won't ruin our plans
-at the end of the day my ankles and fingers tend to swell
-we painted your room last weekend, more updates to come

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Friday, August 3, 2012

We Found Out

That we are having a baby boy! Mr. B and I are super excited, I already went shopping for a few outfits, I love the snugglie footed jamies. We have our paint for the nursery too, a gallon of soft green left over from when we did the guest bedroom. Now all I have to do is organize the junk pile that is laying in his room.

Here he is in 3D, I love His little pose with his hand resting under his chin. I can't wait for the next time, to see his face more developed.

Another update:

We had out whole first level floors redone. Into a beautiful reddish Pergo. I don't want to watch TV anymore, all I want to do is stair at the floor. I'm amazed at how much they resemble wood. It feels like I'm living in a brand new house. I'm so happy we got this done before baby B arrived.

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Packages, Sales, and New Floors

Yesterday I had my second chiropractor appt, I'll be going 2x a week for 3 weeks, hopefully it helps the pain I have been dealing with. The root to my back and neck issues is due to being thrown off a horse (fracturing my T-9) 7 years ago.

On the way home I stopped by Nordstrom's' Rack (my favorite shopping destination), I haven't gone since I've needed to wear maternity clothes. I used to love wearing gym clothes around the house. I'm almost 20 wks and none of my shorts fit anymore. It was time to get at least one pair in XL, instead I landed comfy capri yoga pants.

I also happened to come across a Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag for $100!
I had the same design on my registry, I could not pass this deal up.

Mr. B really liked it too, no need to get a gender neutral design. Once we're out & the kid poops I think he'd only care to have a spare diaper.

After shopping I came home to find a package on my kitchen table.

A package of maternity cloths from Mr. B's cousin in Puerto Rico! Thank you, Maite! I tried them all on last night, I especially love the dresses!

Sydney love

It's hard to see it but this is the beautiful Pergo flooring we are putting on the first floor!
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Man vs. Woman

Yesterday my dear Sydney had her Vet yearly check up for heart worm. My husband thinks all of this forced
"I have to have my dog seen in office, just to get another prescription for heart worm"
Is a waste of our time and money. Good thing I was the one to take her since she has Ehrlichia (a tick bite born infection, 60 pills later she'll be ok). In the end I'm glad it bit her and not me.

Here is Sydney hiding under the bench and she hasn't even been seen yet! Silly puppy.

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lunch Date

Carrot & ginger soup in Leesburg, after going antiquing for lil B's nursery

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The Real Deal

It's finally time to face my parents are leaving. Today the moving truck arrived.

Their dog, Foster is on edge and nervous. He won't leave my side since he assumes they won't leave without me, guess again buddy.

Last weekend they moved what they didn't want to take to Texas in a storage unit.

Luckily they gave us some furniture. We have no storage space in the townhouse. Now our dinning room has a function and purpose!

We love our new wine racks from Crate & Barrel.

The smaller cabinet in the family room will house my crafts.

I'm sad to see my parents leave, but the furniture is really nice to have!

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Belly bump

This is my bump at 15 weeks pregnant

I am now 18 wk 5 days
Things that have changed are:
- I feel more pressure in my pelvis once in awhile
- at night I can feel the presence of the baby, assuming he/she is doing somersaults :)
-TMI I've bought fiber pills
-drinking water an not sugary drinks is important to me, and overall diet I try to be healthy
-although ice cream has been an indulgent
-my back is consistently tired and achy Esp. Due to back injury 7 yrs ago

And now we have our sonogram in 11 days to find out lil B's sex!!!

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Long time coming

So awhile back I promised I was coming back to blogging... But then Picasso wouldn't let me download any more photos.

Here is our guest bedroom we fancied for my mom when she comes to help us with our newborn in December!

In the window is now a house plant and a blue reading chair! It's quite the retreat. I've actually been camping out in here to spread out. It's hard being a once belly sleeper while pregnant!

It's probably time to invest in a body pillow.

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

9 week review

We are into our 9th week of pregnancy. I've enjoyed my extra naps during the day and getting a chance to be lazy on my days off.  I've only had a little nausea here and there. Some headaches. Early on I had extreme cramps, so we did an early 7 week ultrasound, and everything looked great! We got to see the heart flutter. The only real lasting effect is I have Tums, papaya enzyme, and acidophilus laying around in random parts of the house and car for emergencies.  

Here's the babe, her head is to the right, and in the middle to the sides are her arms. I can't wait until our next, to finally see baby features!

This morning my Mom arrives from Texas, my parents are sadly moving to Fort Worth, for my Dad's transfer for his job (but it's only for 3 years!). We've redone our upstairs so that the guest bedroom is the 2nd largest. I've actually enjoyed sleepy here, since it's so much easier to get to sleep now with the more room I have. Plus how we've decorated is very calming (I will post a pic once I've surprised my Mom today).  I'm ready to go to baby's R us and get a maternity pillow...I've held off long enough...any suggestions?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Who's Expecting?

ME! Mr. B and I found out Friday! I'm almost 6 weeks along and we are thrilled! I can't wait to come back to my blog and have more exciting posts. So far I haven't felt sick. Just feeling cramps. We went to a friends wedding on Saturday, it was so difficult to keep quiet.

Our families are excited, but on a sad note my parents are moving to Texas, far far away from us. We all know my mom will be back, I want her there with MR. B and I in the L&D room. Plus she's my best friend. Who can blame her :)