Tuesday, September 24, 2013

9 Months

Ahh...I can't keep up! Isaac you are one busy bee! 

Isaac you still have your precious blue eyes! And you're hair is thickening and curly (at night as you fall asleep I love to stroke your hair through my fingers..one of the many things I know won't last as you become a toddler). I love your curly hair! 

At your Doctor appointment you weighed in at 21lbs 13oz, height: 30inches

You have started to sign "dog", and can now say "doggie!" You say "na na" when you want to nurse, and when you are desperate you say "ma ma na na"... You say "ba ba" for ball. You are now signing "fan." You are still shy with who you wave to, but you did wave to the sushi chefs at Kumo! You love sweet potato rolls from Kumo. It is a lot of fun to watch you eat a veggie roll!

I never get to cuddle except for nursing, all you want to do is crawl EVERY WHERE! Since you've started to crawl I've lost 3 lbs! Since you rarely sit in our laps to read a story (only before bed lately), as you are playing I sit and read your books while you are busy. I also have bought an "as you grow" weekly activity book, so far I am very pleased. 

Last month we thought we wanted to crib train you, we tried for 2 nights, where (I ended up doing it alone) and you consistently woke up and was impossible for me, Daddy didn't want to wake up and realized the work I was doing and together we decided that we really are happy that all of us are getting sleep by bed sharing. We are happy to bed share and will continue to do so. Especially for breastfeeding, we still nurse throughout the night "dream feeding," both of us, and luckily I still haven't gotten "Aunt Flow," and that is due to nursing through the night and day.

Most recently you are starting to stand by yourself (not holding onto anything) for a few seconds, and every time you do, Daddy calls me into the room to see! You also love to walk with your "walker," you also are starting to learn how to turn it so you don't run into furniture!

Today Daddy put up gates so now we can safely have you in the dinning room (play room), while we cook, clean, or just relax and play with you without you escaping! I'm looking forward to adding new furniture too! 

Today we went shopping to the outlets, and I now fit into size 6 jeans! I haven't been that size in 6 years! Breastfeeding is amazing!! I have only been able to walk due to some postpartum issues. I also have been eating fats/sugars like crazy, I hear it's due to exhaustion. So the whole loosing weight despite not having the best diet is awesome! Now I'm motivated to cut out the fats/sugars and sustain a healthier diet so that I can tone up. A couple of my Mama friends want to switch shifts watching the babes so that we can get our work outs in!


Mmm toes taste so good! 

8.5 Months

You guessed it....

You are crawling!!!!!! It started a week after you turned 8 Months! The day Grandma left, right before her plane, she got to watch you crawl!

Along with crawling you have finally learned how to roll from your back to stomach. Most recently all you want to do is climb and stand up (and shake your booty). 

You have been keeping us busy in this house, there has been no time to update this blog! 

You have a tooth budding through, it's the front lower middle tooth. I am so happy and relieved for you, although at the same time a little nervous for biting. Once the tooth has popped you haven't been crying in pain, just a little irritated. 

Our playing relationship has totally changed, you are becoming more independent, and keep me very busy chasing after you. You love the 1 step into the entry way or dining room, you are also mastering how to climb up the brick hearth which the woodstove sits on (we have no clue how to child proof...we may just end up teaching you not to go up there). You love love love buttons, especially the ones on the TV stand. Instead of saying "no" all of the time, we have been teaching you by steering you to a toy and saying "Sorry bud we can't play with (the object)." It's been working out well for us. I am down to my pre-pregnancy weight, and now with all of this activity and chasing you, my pre-pregnancy cloths are falling off...still thanks to you nursing! It is so so so true, about the weight loss myth and nursing. 

Our nursing relationship has evolved, and I love how it has changed over the months, always still comforting and loving to you. You understand the sign for nurse, and laugh when you are hungry, this tells me you understand, and is quite adorable. You now want to try to position yourself to feed, as in crawling up to me, or laying on my back you kneel over me, it's it very cute and I love when you initiate nursing for comfort while playing like this. 

Our bond is as strong as ever, and you are a well adjusted baby, so very bright and cheery in front of strangers, you especially love men with facial hair. So next time Uncle Neal visits he should have facial hair...hint hint. When we are in a room with family or strangers, you look and initiate 

I was able to get you 18months winter wardrobe and a play walker for $40, what a deal!


Monday, July 15, 2013

7 Months

My little Peanut, you are growing, growing, growing. 

We switched to Baby Led Weaning (BLW) this month, purees can stay once in awhile. But 95% of the time we only introduce solids to you by handing you the actual stalk (hand size) of broccoli, sweet potato fry, and so on...For the first week it felt like you were only going to gag for forever. But we are now on week 2 and you have picked up chewing really well already. The first couple of days with this method were very stressful. Gagging is very stressful, but by doing so you have learned to move foods forward, and out of your mouth (especially when you take too big of a bite). This is how you've also learned to chew. I finally bought the BLW book and I feel so much more confident in this method. I'm trusting your ability to figure this out for yourself. Tonight we gave you angel hair pasta with sauce, you did so well with it, mainly you just sucked the sauce off of it! The 2 most important reasons why I made the switch were your gag reflex will eventually move further back down your throat and it's most important for you to learn now how to chew and swallow. Second and most important reason is, I want you to learn how much you need and decide what to eat, since I plan on allowing you to decide when to wean from breastfeeding. 

Before having You, I thought some women were prolonging their BF experience for their own emotions, but now being on the other side, I now know that is not the case (most likely). I know you will be so very active and want to run around and we will bond in other ways, with snuggling before bed, me singing songs and reading books, hugs...lots of them. The most important thing is that I want you to feel confident and safe. But my goal is to nurse you until at least 2 years old (WHO recommendation). You will still be a baby till 2, and at the rate we are going at right now (10-12x/day), I don't see you stopping at 1 years old. I can't believe that is in 5 months!

Developmentally you are challenging yourself daily. You continue to sit well, you mostly fall forward recently since you now want to reach for everything. What I thought was once out of your reach is now right at it. Especially since you have learned how to climb. You reach for Mama or Dada, and you climb into our laps, then want to stand, of sit in our lap. You have also slowly started to pull yourself up, when either in our laps, or on the exersaucer, or by grabbing Sydney (she doesn't even flinch when you yank her fur like this, she was a good investment). We are still working on our crawling skills, but now that you know you can get around with climbing easier, this is all you want to do. Which is fine by me, I'm not ready for a mobile baby just yet.

Two days ago you said "Dada" out of the blue, and now continue to say it quite frequently throughout the day. When you feel like you've forgotten how to say it, you'll first mouth it then switch to sound (my brilliant baby)! Two weeks ago you start with saying "Up," but now that you are saying "Dada," Dada feels like that is your true first word! To me it doesn't matter, it has just been so rewarding to see how proud you are of yourself when you say a word or pull yourself up!

Your relationship with our "Gi" or doggie (Sydney) has really blossomed. She of course still sneaks kisses all over you. She knows when you are about to spit up and comes running from anywhere she's been. She has learned to be a loyal companion at dinner time, waiting for any droppings from your high chair. If you're upset she knows to come find me, tell me, and runs to you. She greets us when you wake up, and you have the biggest smile anytime she comes bursting in the room, or she needs cuddle time while we are playing. Like I mentioned before she allows you to pull on her, grab her paws and mouth her. I wouldn't trade having a dog with a baby any day, it is so so so worth it!

You still have my beautiful blue eyes, and in the sunshine your hair is turning blond, and your Dada thought he'd have his dominant dark features. Maybe one day, but for now I hope you become a toe head with ringlets just like your Mama, Uncle Neal, Grandma and Pop.

You are more invested in your books, we read to you often, and instrumental music really helps you calm down to sleep. I love playing "Peter, Paul and Mary Childrens" station on Pandora, and have found one of my favorite children's folk artists: Elizabeth Mitchell from there. This is the kind of music I remember growing up and it helps me feel connected to my childhood by having us listen to this, and sing. You have started to sing once in awhile. Maybe you'll follow into your parents musical shoes when you are older.

Recently you have been teething more, the amber necklace and Hyland's tablets have been helping, I really try not to give you too much medication. For the past week you have been on a pacifier strike, which = you nursing all the time. I'm enjoying the extra snuggles.

And now it is time for bed.



Thursday, June 13, 2013

6 Months

Dear Isaac,

I can't stop loving you! As you grow my love expands in ways I never knew how. Such as how tonight you cried while asleep and as I tried to comfort you, I just knew you needed me. So I swooped in and picked you up. You went straight for my shoulder and said "Mama." I know you had no clue what you were trying to say, or mean. But it meant the world to me and completely had me fall in love with you all over again. And now I am looking forward to the day you look at me and call me by my name.

Developmentally you are challenging yourself each and everyday. I try not to interfere when you get frustrated, so you can learn and grow into your new skills. But if you reach that certain pitch or real tears form, I then pick you up and cuddle you and encourage by telling you, "you are doing so well, next time you will try a little longer" or "great job buddy you'll get it soon enough." I don't care if you can't understand- you are hearing a positive emotion to something you are struggling with, and with that you know Mama is there for support.

You have sadly aged out of 'free' swim class- it was such a lovely time for us to bond together, but to also meet other SAHM's. Grandma also got to see you at Swimkids for your last 2 classes. As I mentioned previously, they had us practice "cup pours" all of the time- I would say 1-2-3 lift then pour water on your face- you cried the first couple of classes, then became used to it- and even though I hated that most of class was built around this exercise. It eventually paid off, because at the end of 4 months of classes on the count of 3- you close your eyes!!!!! Mama was so very impressed with you! This is my #1 brag lately. Also it has help so much when showering with you- I just count to three and you close your sweet little eyes so Mama can wash your hair.

he's 27inches, 18#13oz

You are sitting up very well these days, still I place a pillow behind just in case, I don't like hearing thuds.

We have started to practice with a sippy cup so that you can get water in this hot summer. I think you enjoy chewing on it more than actual drinking. But we are starting slow.

Only about 2x a week you get teething pain if that- you love to chew on your thumb or the ribbon blanket I made you (or any other cloth blanket/toy). I can only feel both of your eye teeth coming in, and those are the most painful- I'm wondering if I'll have a little vampire- and with that I'm so scared of nursing with teeth- hopefully it's an easy transition.

You LOVE nectarines! Pears and peaches as well- I eat away the skin and you love to suck and gum at the pulp. We went to the outdoor pool with Brynn and Benjamin for the first time this week- burr the water was cold! You were decked out in a long sleeve top as well and still fussed, but I wasn't sure if it was due to you being sleepy or cold. Because you actually fell asleep while we were in the pool! It was super cute. Afterwards I went to nurse you and realized I had a nectarine. Well friend, you thought it was for dessert! You lean towards it with those puppy eyes, and no Mama can deny you of food after that face. You gobbled it up in a jiffy with my help, and we both landed with nectarine all over our hands, faces and chest. But being in our swim suits still (you were just in a swim diaper) we got to take a quick shower. Best idea ever to give you solids while at the pool = easy clean up. You also did a first by holding the nectarine with both hands and self fed!

While on your tummy you tend to get most frustrated, because you want to reach for everything, once in a while you'll attempt at schootching your way a few inches at a time. You haven't rolled over from your back to front by yourself yet- and haven't seemed too interested lately.

People now comment that you are starting to look more like me. I think it's due to you still having your blue eyes. Which I'm so excited about- that you visibly have something from Mama.

We moved your crib last month at the end of our bed- I place you in your crib when I put you down for the night and recently you've started to sleep till 1:30am 4-5 hours. We are slowly but surely going to get you there- but Mama still enjoys her sleep so if you end up in bed with me for most of the night, it's no biggy. Daddy says as long as we all get sleep he is happy.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

My First Mother's Day

We wanted to go to the National Zoo, but I had gotten home from work the night before around 11:30pm. I love Isaac for sleeping in till 9:30am. LOVE him for this. I'm so happy he got the memo, hehe.

We got up and we had some family play time, reading books, changing Isaac, and mirror play. Michael then made waffles for breakfast, yum!

The 3 of us then ventured to Dinosaur park, which has a creek and plenty of shaded walking trails. The park itself is one huge play ground.

Isaac LOVED his first swing ride.

We then took a walk as a family and put Isaac back in the stroller for a nap. Michael gave into my pleas to allow Sydney to run in the creek, and she hoped like a deer. This is definatly going to be a hot spot for us to enjoy family time! We are already looking forward to our next trip.

We ended the day with some extended family time at Michael's parents house for dinner. 

I got everything I dreamed it would be, a relaxing day with my family, thanks to my husband for making it such a special day, now I've got to plan for father's day!


Our besties came over today!

Benjamin and Aubrey are some of your best baby friends, we were only missing a few of your others (but I haven't gotten permission from their Mama's to mention them here). I love their mom's Katie and Brynn. We met through Swimkids and have been joined to the hip ever since.

Today we planned to go to the Reston Zoo, luckily Katie got there before us and told us to make other plans since about 25 school buses showed up. We then re-routed our plans to Frying Pan Farm Park, which is even better since it is free! Isaac enjoyed watching piglets nurse, mama and ewe's were in the buttercup field. Then of course I started to nurse in the barn and a baby goat went rogue and started to try to nibble on my shirt, it was quite comical.

Once it started to rain we headed back to my house. Where the tripod exploded into and awesome play date! Here are the pictures to show their love for each other!

I can't wait to see these 3 grow up together!

Anyone have a good caption for this picture?

Benjamin decided to celebrate Chanukah a bit early :)

When I was pregnant I was driven to meet other Mamas for friends, I knew to be a SAHM I had to find  Mommy companions to make it through this time in my life. Plus all of our "old friends"are just not in the same life cycle as us and to be honest we don't keep in touch (except Alison- we LOVE you). It's fine because I need to put my energy in people who will have our kids grow up together :)
All of the mamas I've been hanging out with, we all have so much in common, and I'm sooo happy that I got pregnant when I did not only to be fortunate for G-d to chose Isaac for me, but for him to choose these mamas for me too. They all really seem like sisters in a way. I am one lucky mama and feel so blessed. And some of us have even met our husbands and we all were easy to get along, especially had some good laughs!

5 Months to Love

Dearest Baby Isaac,

I am so unconditionally in love with you. Daddy and I continue to be amazed at your progress thus far. Ever since Mother's Day you have been wanting to say "ga-ga-ga" or any "G" noise. When you were 4 months old you said "Da" for the first time. You continue to babble frequently and scream for fun!

We continue to help you strengthen your muscles in order to sit up/ start to crawl. You can now sit by yourself for a few seconds until you roll into a tummy face plant. You still haven't rolled from "Back to front" but we daily continue to have lots of play time on your back/front. When you are doing tummy time you continue to only want to "super man" or now a recent development is that you like to do "push ups" which is very fun, I am still loving my stationary baby who smiles at me. Isaac you know your name and you also know the word "love" which is adorable to watch you smile after we say this word.

We have a plentiful social calendar these days. We have met so many wonderful Mama's and their babes. I'm so thankful to Swimkids for having their free swim classes for 2-5 month olds (4 months free!). I have met more Mama's to hang out with here than at our INOVA Mom's group. And through Brynn, I have met so many instant friends. Isaac and I usually hang out with Brynn and her LO Benjamin on a daily basis. Through lunches, hanging at eachother's homes, walks, Frying Pan Farm, Claude Moore Rec Center, story time at Ashburn Library and then getting our families together for dinner/ brunches. We also have enjoyed getting to know Katie and her LO Aubrey. Michael and I don't see much of our "old- high school friends" so it is such a joy to be creating great new friends! Especially since we can all understand where we are coming from since we have babies.

We are so fortunate for those free swim classes. We started you at exactly 2 months old, and I am so thankful we have, not only to meet great friends but for you physically. YOU LOVE THE WATER, just like your Mama! I really enjoy the times we are in the pool together, especially now that you are so comfortable in the water. You've learned to hold your breath, for a quick second as you test me when you dunk your self while in the back float position. Hands down this is my favorite activity together.

We got Sydney's fur shaved for the summer. You ejoy prtting her even more now (more like squeezing her skin) and of course when she sees I'm not looking she gets to sneak a kiss on your face. You love doggy kisses!

These days you are mainly chewing on your fingers all the time, you don't seem to like chewing on plastics/ silicon- which I prefer you chew on fabric any ways. 

Tonight you started to roll from back to front, with some assistance but the hardest part of actually getting your torso to roll was all you buddy! The best part was you knew what was happening and you were so proud of yourself! We also accomplished today sitting up even more, each day you continue to change and grow, looking back at your newborn, and first couple of months saddens me knowing we can only look forward, but also excited for what is to come.
