Saturday, July 16, 2011

Spring in Colorado: Estes Park (2)

I just want to share too many amazing pictures that for Estes Park there may be a few posts.

It will be worth it.

I had gotten a groupon for horse back riding for an hour. It was only $60 for the four of us. The background story is that 6 years ago, when I was a freshman in college I was thrown off a horse and over a fence = I fractured my back. Until this trip I hadn't had the chance to get back up on a horse, I wasn't very nervous, more excited to get a second chance. The views were amazing. 

Butch was my horse and he did a good job at keeping me reassured, until when we were going back down the ridge, my mom's horse decided to bite Butch in the butt. As you can assume he tried to kick him, and it made me almost go flying. Luckily it the heat of the moment I was able to control him. Wooo was I scared though, I did scream but it was more of an after effect. I know with horses you don't want them to know how your feeling, so I tried my best to stay calm and just told him who was boss. From then on we kept my mom and me separated, I was too afraid it would happen again.

Mr. B's horse in the back always wanted to eat, it gave us some good laughs

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