Sunday, January 12, 2014

11 Months

Dearest Baby Isaac,

Nov. 2nd your Dad and I were getting ready for our Anniversary dinner date (it's really Nov. 7th). Grandma G was in town to babysit. As I was getting ready to go, Daddy got to experience you take your first steps!!!! We weren't able to get a video until the next day, but were able to celebrate the moment as soon as it happened! Especially since Daddy is at work most of the time providing for all of us, it was extra special for him to see you do this!

November is the month of WALKING!

You never sit still, I have lost over 10lbs since my pre-pregnancy weight of 150lbs. I'm not even doing extra exercising, it's you being active and me still nursing you. I am HUNGRY ALL of the time...I have been doing a light Primal/Paleo diet. I definatly still need the fats from diary, and we have some carbs. But the real change in our diet is us being smart and me researching healthy REAL foods. We eat grass fed only meats, fresh range free eggs, we don't eat the "dirty dozen list" unless it's organic. I feel smart, healthy and in charge of our futures. It has even gotten me excited about researching due to the Nutritionist in me. I hate vitamin "horse" pills, and I really haven't been taking them since I've given birth. But to me I have such a well rounded healthy diet that I don't feel the need to take "horse pills." I did find a good gummy pregnancy vitamin to take which Daddy takes too, hehe. Next on our list is to research all of our body products on and toss anything "poisonous" to us. On average a women's body is exposed to 500 chemicals a day! Yikes! For me, knowing both diet and body products that are bad for me and researching what I have has really helped with my Mommy Anxiety and helps me feel like a better Mom. Being aware is so important to me! This is just the beginning of my journey into "Urban Homesteading."

Speaking of nursing, I am still in love. You are in love and we have such a strong bond because of it. It is our peaceful quiet cuddle time. It especially helps if you are not feeling well or teething, and sleeping as well. We are currently trying you in a toddler bed transformed from your crib. You won't let me put you down, so I am nursing you to sleep in this short bed, luckily I fit! You go down till 11pm and then I bring you back to bed for the rest of the night, because I'm alone in getting you to sleep and honestly I'm not going to "sleep train" you because I enjoy the sleep I get now, and don't plan on decreasing it!

I hug and hold you close when you let me, I can't believe 1 year is almost gone! We have so many wonderful memories and enjoy each minute with you. I am proud to be your mother. Even when I'm exhausted and have the TV in the background or even breakdown and watch it with you in the room, I know this is a very low percentage you are watching and you are a well adapted, well rounded baby. You are social, talkative, you have no seperate or stranger anxiety. You are everything I dreamed about and more.

You have started to cuddle a bit more since you learned how to walk, which of course I love, and missed once you started crawling.

A special present from your friend Benjamin, a fuzzy book about Koala's that he picked out while visiting family in Australia! You love it!

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